Stay alerted about imminent and immediate flood possibilities in Nepal rivers!.:: Nepal Flood Alert (नेपाल बाढी सूचना) ::.A simple flood early warning
Stay alerted about imminent and immediate flood possibilities in Nepal rivers!
.:: Nepal Flood Alert (नेपाल बाढी सूचना) ::.
A simple flood early warning system to save lives and property. "Nepal Flood Alert" is an app that -
* Provides you an early warning notification/alarm on any flood possibility
* Enables you to constantly monitor the water level readings provided by multiple water stations established throughout the country
* Enables you to constantly monitor flow and trend of the rivers
* Personalize notifications according to your region or even current location (needs GPS)
* Has Nepali language support
Please do rate and comment, you contribution can help develop the app and save thousands of lives. Don't miss to share. :-)
► App loop bug on first load of app fixed.
► User will be alerted if there is neither local data, nor internet connection.
# Version 0.6.2
► User registration removed (it was annoying :) )
► Bug fixes